Russell Library
Planning for the Future

Strengthen the Community

The community will experience Middletown’s public library as a launch pad for community engagement.

Create a Safe & Welcoming Destination

The community will enter physical and virtual spaces that encourage them to learn, grow, and connect.

Foster a Thriving Economic Ecosystem

The community will have opportunities and resources for skillbuilding, networking, cocreating, and incubating ideas that support economic wellbeing in collaborative physical and virtual spaces.

Promote a Lifelong Love of Learning

From birth through adulthood, the community will experience interactions that spark curiosity, foster critical thinking skills, and stimulate the imagination.

Strategic Plan

“… we must plan for change. To paraphrase the ancient Greek
philosopher Heraclitus, “Change is the only constant.” We must ready ourselves to anticipate and respond to the rapidly evolving needs of our community in order to truly serve it.”


We empower people to grow, connect, strive and thrive.


Everyone feels welcomed and included.


Practice equity and inclusion, and listen to youth voices.

Reports & Recommendations

Library Vision Committee Report

The Committee determined that Middletown’s library facilities should be:
1. Human-Centered
2. Accessible
3. Fun, Dynamic and Flexible
4. Connected, Inspirational, Aspirational
5. Sustainable

Facilities Assessment & Space Planning Recommendations

How can Middletown best make its public library facilities future-ready for all?
1. Repair
2. Renovate
3. Relocate
4. Repurpose

2020-2030 Middletown Plan of Conservation and Development

Middletown 2030:
The Vision
1. Thriving
2. Vibrant
3. Connected
4. Sustainable

Return to the Riverbend

A vision for Middletown’s riverfront.
1. A People-Driven Process
2. A Vibrant, Mixed-Use Riverfront
3. Environmental Stewardship
4. Accessibility and Affordability
5. Community Health and Equity
6. Attract Private Investment

Public Libraries: Return on Investment Studies

  • “More than ⅓ of [library] visitors made another stop Downtown either before or after their library visit.”
  • [The Manchester Public Library] generates $8.8 million in annual economic activity, compared to $3.4 million budget.”
  • “…we are confident that a new, larger, modern library facility with robust programming space and programs would generate more traffic and activity in the Downtown, resulting in increased community and economic benefits.”

“…public library investment increases children’s attendance at library events by 18%, children’s checkouts of items by 21%, and library visits by 21%. Increases in library use translate into improved test scores in nearby school districts…”

“Collectively, in FY2015, Texas public libraries were found to provide $2.628 billion in benefits while costing $566 million, a return on investment of $4.64 for each dollar.”

“…the dollar annual return per dollar of public tax support equals $4.62.”

Make a Donation

Russell Library is here for you, but we couldn’t do it without the generous support of our benefactors.
If you would like to show your appreciation for all we offer our community, online giving is secure and easy. We even take PayPal!
Your donation will instantly help us provide world-class library services in the heart of Middletown.

Russell Library

123 Broad Street
Middletown CT 06457




Online Calendar

Library Hours

Mon-Thurs 9am-8pm
Fri-Sat 9am-5pm
Sunday 1-5pm (October-March)