

Volunteer Interest Form

Young Adult Programs are in Green

Book Match (ages 13-18)

Middletown Youth Resources

The Space

Our newly redesigned area for young adults


Gaming Computers

This Gaming PCs were built by our Digital and Emerging Technologies staff. There are two stations available.

The air hockey table in The Space, the new teen area.

Air Hockey

A new update to The Space! An 8-foot long air hockey table is available for drop-in use.

A giant chess board in the new teen Space.

Giant Chess

This super-sized chess game is always out and ready to go. You can find it in The Space near the Graphic Novels.


Also known as table football or table soccer, foosball is played all over the world. Lots of fun!


Application help, Financial Aid help, Admissions Interview practice, and more!

eBooks, Audiobooks, Movies, Magazines. Downloads are available 24/7. (Russell Library card required.)

Need help with a class? Over 70 languages available. (Russell Library card required.)

Book reviews, sample chapters, suggestions & read-alike lists.

Online reference databases: history, science, biography & more. Also, newspapers, magazines, genealogy, ebooks, audiobooks. (No library card required.)

eBooks for Grades 7-12.  (No library card required.)

Over 500 courses including crafts & hobbies, computer training, spiritual studies, how-to & much more! (Russell Library card required.)

Russell Library

123 Broad Street
Middletown CT 06457




Online Calendar

Library Hours

Mon-Thurs 9am-8pm
Fri-Sat 9am-5pm
Sunday 1-5pm (October-March)