Russell Library
Middletown, CT
Address & Phone
Russell Library
123 Broad Street
Middletown, CT 06457
(860) 347-2528
Thoughts, questions, suggestions, praise. Let us know what’s on your mind.
Apply for a library card
Middletown residents can apply online for a Russell Library card. We will mail the card to you.
Solicitar una tarjeta de biblioteca. Los residentes de Middletown pueden solicitar en línea una tarjeta de la Biblioteca Russell.
Renew a library card
For expired cards or lost cards. If you think you already have an account, please use this form.
Renueve su tarjeta de la biblioteca. Para tarjetas caducadas o extraviadas. Si cree que ya tiene una cuenta, utilice este formulario.
Program application
If you would like to present a public program, please submit an application. Please, do not call. We only consider presenters who submit the application.
Department Contacts
Main Desk
Questions about your account, due dates, renewals, applying for or renewing a card, Curbside Pick Up.
Information Services
For reference questions, research, online resources, remote printing, and help downloading materials.
Children’s Department
Information on children’s online services, children’s materials and events, and Summer Reading
For any other questions or to contact the director or assistant directors please use the email link below.
Library Board
Bring your comments or questions to the library board’s public comment section of their monthly meeting or submit them via email.
Purchase/Loan Request
To suggest a title for the collection or to request an inter-library loan, please use this form.
Donate to the Library
Russell Library is here for you, but we couldn’t do it without the generous support of our benefactors. If you would like to show your appreciation for all we offer our community, online giving is secure and easy. We even take PayPal! Your donation will instantly help us provide world-class library services in the heart of Middletown.
We empower people to grow, connect, strive and thrive.
Everyone feels welcomed and included.
Practice equity and inclusion, and listen to youth voices.
Library Services
Library Resources
Russell Library
123 Broad Street
Middletown CT 06457
Online Calendar
Library Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-8pm
Fri-Sat 9am-5pm
Sunday 1-5pm (October-March)